Quick Note:
A completely guided 10-week personal trainer focused on shredding your body, building your booty, and strengthening your core.
A little taste of what customers are experiencing:
Join 50,000 others and get yours now by CLICKING THIS LINK: Badass Body Goals: Booty-Building & Waist Trimming.
*More info on this at the bottom of the article.
Whether you have a naturally athletic build, a figure that’s curvaceous, or one that’s willowy, there’s good news:
You can develop most of the physical attributes you’ve always wanted but didn’t get from Mother Nature or your gene pool.
The truth is, with strategic work, anyone can become fitter, stronger, more toned, more self-assured, and sexier.
That’s an outcome that’s realistic and healthy — for anybody.
With the right physical and psychological moves, you can turn the body you have into the body you want - losing inches, dropping pounds, and developing a stronger, more sculpted look and greater mental fortitude in the process.
If the goal of getting fit, shaping your lower body, and trimming your waist has seemed too daunting in the past, you were probably going about achieving it in the wrong way.
Sorry to lay that on you, but it’s the unvarnished truth.
Maximizing your fitness potential isn’t as difficult or taxing as many people make it out to be.
It involves four critical elements:
A blend of strength-training workouts,
The right type of cardiovascular exercise, and
Targeting your muscles at different angles to achieve the exact look you want.
Combine these cornerstones of fitness with healthy eating habits - upgrading the nutritional quality of your food choices by using food primarily as fuel, eating regularly, snacking strategically, and you’ll soon be on your way to a leaner, stronger, fitter physique with a chiseled waist line and tight tush.
- Hind End
- Hiney
- Glutes
- Posterior
- Rear
- Can
- Cheeks
- Derrière
- Fanny
- Bum
- Butt
- Behind
- Ass
- Arse
The reality is that we each come in different beautiful shapes and sizes. Our booties look different based on our skeletal structure and the amount of muscle and fat on our differing bodies. But no matter the shape of your skeleton, you can change the way your butt looks through diet and the right type of exercise.
Think of it like this - someone who is 4’11 obviously has different possibilities for the way they’re body can look than someone who is 5’11. But, both of these people still have the potential to transform their bodies in ways that maximize their body potential.
The Four Main Shapes Of The Derrière:
Although you should be able to pick out which type of booty you have from these pictures, even if there isn’t an exact match, these are only meant as a guide. We’re all too different to have exact categories we each fit into!
The Heart/Pear Shape (‘A’): This type of butt results from fat distribution around the lower portion of the butt and thighs, leading to an increase in widening from the waist down to the
The Round ‘O’ Shape: Also known as ‘the bubble butt’, this type of booty is the result of fat distribution around the whole butt cheek.
The Square ‘H’ Shape: This shape is the result of prominent hip bones (the structure of the pelvis) and distribution of fat in the hips (also known as love handles), giving the more vertical look on the sides of the glutes.
The Inverted ‘V’ Shape: The ‘V’ shape becomes more common as we age because lower estrogen levels change the place of fat storage from the butt to the midsection. It gives the look of the bottom of the butt being less full than the top, resulting in a ‘V’ shape.
No matter which type of booty you do have, we’re going to make sure to get you the booty shape you want to have.
Let’s take just a moment to talk about about your derrière.
It’s really important to understand a little bit about how vital butt health is to the functioning of your body, and get familiar with the different parts of the booty that need to be developed for the best overall shape and size.
Your butt is made of pure muscle, and is probably the most important muscle in your entire body.
But your booty isn’t just one muscle - it’s a combination of three primary muscles groups called:
The Gluteus Maximus: The biggest muscle in the area, responsible for extending the leg backwards and rotating the pelvis and thighs.
The Gluteus Medius: Located on top of the gluteus maximus that raises the log out and to the side while promoting overall body-balance.
The Gluteus Minimus: Residing under the upper part of the gluteus maximus, and works with the gluteus medius.
Although the Gluteus Maximus is the largest muscle in the area, all three muscle groups are important to both your every day functioning, and the shape of your butt.
Strong glutes help support the core, decrease your risk of serious injury, improve posture, and of course, help your butt look great in any outfit.
Regardless of your genetics, you can shape your butt any way you want if you understand the different shapes your booty can take and create a plan of action that will steer you towards your goal.
In the next section, we’ll discuss why so many people find it difficult, and help you understand exactly how you can get you the look you want.
Not ‘activating’ the glute muscles (not firing the glute muscles)
Muscle imbalances
Training methods that don’t work
Repeating the same movements over and over again
Not enough weight training
Over-training the gluteus maximus and under training the gluteus medius, gluteus minimis, hamstrings, and adductor muscles
Not eating well enough
Not training consistently enough
Incorrect technique and form, causing compensation with the other muscle groups such as the quadriceps
Failing to activate the glute muscles and instead overcompensating by using other parts of the body to do the exercises you’re performing is the easiest way to delay your progress and potentially injure yourself.
The second biggest problem leading to a lack of results is not targeting each part of the glute muscles with a variety of exercises to hit the butt muscles at every possible angle.
Testing For A Glute ImbalanceGlute imbalances lead to a failure to activate the glute muscles.
Glute imbalances are very common because of the simple fact that our sedentary lifestyles cause our butts to become ‘dormant’ over time.
Consistently sitting for long periods of time causes the hip flexors to tighten and the glute muscles to weaken, leading to decreased strength and stabilization in our butts.
This decreased strength and activation of the glute muscles leads to muscle imbalances and an assortment of injuries to our lower backs and legs.
Here are some exercises to determine whether you have a glute imbalance, or difficulty activating or firing your glute muscles:
Stand on one foot with one leg lifted for one minute. Then do the same thing with the other leg.
Get into a table-top position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. From here, pull your abs in towards your spine so your back is straight, and extend one leg up while contracting the glute muscles in that leg as tightly as possible. Then, perform the same movement with the other leg.
Air Squats: Standing up, separate your feet so that they’re shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight and your toes pointed straight forward, bend your knees so that your butt goes down towards the floor. As you perform the movement, make sure your knees are moving straight up and down rather than bending forward past your toes. Complete the movement repeatedly until it burns too much to do anymore. When it gets difficult, pay attention to whether you lean to one side of your body as you complete the movement.
After performing these exercises, answer the following questions:
In the first exercise, was there one leg you felt more stable on at the end of the minute?
When completing the exercises above, do you feel contraction in your glute muscles or does it feel like your hamstrings and/or quadriceps are doing all of the work?
When performing the first two exercises, did you have an easier time contracting one side as compared to the other?
Do you feel that your glute muscles on one side are bigger or stronger than the other side?
When performing the air squat exercise, did you favor one side of your body over the other by leaning in that direction?
If your answer to any of the above questions is ‘yes’, chances are you have some level of a glute imbalance and/or difficulty activating your glute muscles. Without correcting glute imbalances and making sure you’re activating the glute muscles, your legs and booty cannot transform into the shape you want because the right muscles aren’t being properly trained. Imbalanced or uneven glutes won’t just affect the quality of your results, but they’ll impact ability to properly and safely perform pretty much any lower body exercise! Our program combats the issues that arise from glute imbalances by specifically taking steps to ensure your glutes are ‘activating’ properly as you perform each exercise.
The harsh reality is that most people don’t actually activate the muscles in their butts when doing their workout routine.
When someone really understands the importance of glute activation, it adds a whole new quality to their tushy workouts.
Glute activation is just a fancy phrase to represent the idea that the muscles in your butt should be working or ‘firing’ properly when you perform exercises intended to target those muscles.
Activating the glute muscles is like waking them up from a deep sleep so that they’re ready for the workout. It’s just like drinking coffee in the morning, except for your butt!
Important Steps For Getting Your Glute Muscles Firing:1. Building the mind-muscle connection
When you want to do any physical movement, your brain releases a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine that stimulates the muscles to move.
What’s remarkable is that research has found that the more active attention you place on the muscle you want to move, the more acetylcholine the brain releases.
In other words, the more mental attention you give to your butt muscles as you’re performing each repetition of an exercise, the better the muscle contracts and ‘fires.’
So, bringing your mind into your booty as you workout is crucial!
2. Loosening up your tight butt muscles and making sure they’re firing
You loosen your butt muscles and activate them by completing simple movements that allow you to really feel the glute muscles contracting so you can aim to feel the same contraction throughout each exercise.
We’re going to begin each workout with a resistance-band warmup to wake your booty up so your entire lower body is primed for the best possible results.
The good news: Because the glutes are the biggest muscle in your body, they have the most room for change. The results will come quickly if you put in the work!
AnglingOne of the problems many people have with training their butts stems from thinking of their butt as one muscle.
In reality, the butt is made up of a group of different muscles that each require unique movements from every direction to target the different parts for the overall best possible shape.
You need to make sure to target and develop each muscle that makes up your butt.
By incorporating unique variations of each exercise, you'll make sure that you’re targeting each key part of the butt and leg muscles consistently so that your entire lower body is being developed for the best possible results.
Why Weight Training Is ImportantIt is the most effective way to build lean muscle
For your tushy to transform into your optimal shape, you have to develop your glute muscles from all angles.
Simply put, weight-training causes the muscles to grow more quickly than other types of exercise because of the added resistance.
The more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn naturally throughout the day, leading to faster, better results.
Your ‘Basal Metabolic Rate’ (BMR) is the number of calories you burn naturally throughout the day without exercise.
This number is subject to fluctuation depending on a variety of factors. One of the big determining factors of your BMR is the amount of lean muscle mass you have. The more lean muscle mass in your body, the higher the rate at which it burns calories naturally!
A big component of looking ‘fit’ is having the right proportion and symmetry of the upper half of your body in relation to the lower half of your body.
When your upper back and shoulders are strong and toned, your waist automatically looks smaller, giving you what fitness enthusiasts call the “V” shape—otherwise known as The V-Line Taper.
Badass Body Goals: Booty Shaping & Waist Trimming
Habit Nest teamed up with Jennifer Cohen, Fitness and Performance Expert and author of 'Strong Is The New Skinny,' & 'No Gym Required' to create a 10-week program designed to shape your butt and trim your waistline.
Every day, users will be given a complete workout routine consisting of:
A glute activation warmup, a guided workout telling you exactly which exercises to perform, for how long, and with images to show proper performance of each exercise.
Your job is to follow the routine and write down how many repetitions of each exercise you perform to clearly track your progress throughout the process.
It's designed to include the perfect balance of cardio and strength training exercises so that you're pushing towards your body goals on all cylinders.
It comes with 50 complete video guides you follow along as you workout to help keep you encouraged, help perfect your form, and so you don't have to time each exercise because its done for you!
It's an awesome, revolutionary guided workout journal that not only gives you all the information you need, but serves as your day to day personal trainer on your journey towards your goal body.
You can get yours now by CLICKING THIS LINK: Badass Body Goals: Booty-Building & Waist Trimming.