Renee Ostrander’s Morning Sidekick Story! – Habit Nest
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    Renee Ostrander’s Morning Sidekick Story!

    Renee Ostrander’s Morning Sidekick Story!


    1. Q: How many years young are you and what is your living situation?
    1. 54. Live with a significant other and a diva basset hound.

    2. Q: What's the biggest challenge you faced in changing your morning routine? How have you dealt with it/got over it/are still dealing with it?
    2. Getting into a definite routine in the morning. The journal helped with that –

    3. Q: What time did you wake up and go to sleep before you started using the Morning Sidekick Journal, and what time do you wake up and sleep now?
    3. It’s the same asleep around 9-9:30 – up at 4:30. No different during the weekend.

    4. Q: What did your mornings look like before you started using the Morning Sidekick Journal? What do your mornings look like now?
    4. Before: Woke up, listened to the news, read the paper – lost track of time, rushed to get out of the house. After: Woke up, had a vision/path for my day ahead of time. I find myself running my day vs my day running me. I  always used a journal at night to recap my day but now I continue to  use the format of the morning journal each morning –

    5. Q: In one sentence, what's your favorite thing about the Morning Sidekick Journal?
    5. I run my day vs my day running me.

    6. Q: How long have you been using the Morning Sidekick Journal?
    6. October 2018.

    7. Q: How has using the Morning Sidekick Journal and doing your morning routine impacted your life overall?
    7. My days can be very chaotic, typically I have at least 10-12 calls (30 minutes each call) and on top of those I mentor several associates and serve as we liaison between my department and several departments. It would always seem like I was rushing from home to work, from call and meeting to other calls & meetings but never feeling like I achieved or accomplished anything. Since using the journal, my days are just as busy but I feel I have a better direction, I feel I am better at my work and feel like I accomplish much more each day. I don’t feel completely exhausted at the end of every day and am able to get in walks with my significant other and our pup more times than not. I feel like I have more free time, I really don’t but it feels like I do.
