Day 25 : Resistance Training – Habit Nest
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    Day 25 : Resistance Training

    Workout 25 from Habit Nest

    1. Reverse Dumbbell Fly

    1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand.
    2. Bend your knees slightly and hinging forward from your hips so that your upper body is leaning comfortably forward towards the floor.
    3. Hold the dumbbells out together in front of your torso with your arms as straight as possible.
    4. Pull the dumbbells out away from your body while keeping your arms almost fully extended, as if you were trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together.
    5. Slowly return to the original position, still keeping your arms straight.
    6. Repeat the movement until the set is complete!

    2. Lat Pull Down

    1. Grab a wide grip handle bar. Adjust the knee pad of the machine to ft your height to prevent your body from being raised while performing the movement.
    2. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and your palms facing forward. For a wide grip, your grip on the bar should be wider than shoulder width apart.
    3. Keep your torso stationary and pull the bar down towards your upper chest. Squeeze your back muscles during the movement.
    4. Slowly raise the bar in a controlled motion back to the starting position, with your arms are fully extended and lats fully stretched.

    3. Arnold Press

    *Can complete this exercise sitting down on a bench, or standing up. Tis is also combined with squats in our workouts.
    1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, raise your arms so that your palms are facing your face with your elbows close together.
    2. Push the dumbbells up over your head while simultaneously twisting your hands so when your hands are straight over your head, your palms are facing outwards.
    3. Bend your arms while twisting your hands so that you go back to the original position.
    4. Repeat the movement!

    4. Cable Row in Squat

    Caution:Avoid swinging your torso back and forth as you can cause a lower back injury. You can use a rope, two handles, or a V-bar to complete this exercise.
    1. Attach a rope to a low pulley on a cable.
    2. Grab the rope, and sit back in a squat position as close to 90 degrees as possible. Make sure you’re far back enough that you have full range of motion with your arms.
    3. Pull the rope as far back as possible by driving your elbows directly behind you. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, hold for 1 second, and then return to the starting position.
    4. Repeat the movement until the set is complete.