Stretching Transformation Journal
Day 03
Dynamic Warm Up

1. Start in a high plank position with your shoulders over your wrists and your body in a straight line from head to heels. Step your right foot up outside your right hand, keeping your left leg straight.
2. Twist your torso to the right, reaching your right arm up towards the ceiling and holding for a few seconds. Then, bring your right hand back down to the floor and step your right foot back to meet your left foot, returning to the high plank position.
3. Repeat the same sequence on the other side, stepping your left foot up outside your left hand, twisting your torso to the left, and reaching your left arm up towards the ceiling.
Upper Body

1. Begin by sitting or standing with your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.
2. Slowly tilt your head to the right, bringing your right ear closer to your right shoulder. You should feel a stretch on the left side of your neck.
3. Hold the stretch, breathing deeply and relaxing any tension in your neck and shoulders.
4. Slowly return your head to a neutral position and repeat the stretch on the left side.

1. Begin in a comfortable seated or standing position with your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.
2. Slowly pull your head backwards, bringing your chin towards your chest, and hold for a few seconds.
3. Then, slowly push your head forwards, moving your chin away from your body. Hold for a few seconds.
4. Repeat the forward and backward tilts moving slowly and smoothly.

1. Start on all fours, with your hands underneath your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips.
2. Bend your legs so that your torso is supposrted as much as possible by your legs.
3. Hold your left arm out in front of you for stability.
4. Reach your right arm through the hole between your left arm and the floor, palm facing up.
5. Bend your left elbow as you gently lean into your right side. You should feel a stretch in the back of your right shoulder.

1. Lie flat on your back with your arms extended out to the sides at shoulder height and your palms facing up.
2. Slowly raise your arms up over your head while keeping them in contact with the floor.
3. Once your arms are overhead, slowly lower them back down to your sides, making sure to keep them in contact with the floor the entire time.
4. Repeat this movement for several repetitions, focusing on maintaining proper form and control.

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
2. Reach your right arm up and over your head, bending your torso to the left side. Keep your hips facing forward and your feet grounded.
3. Hold the stretch, feeling a stretch along the right side of your torso.
4. Release the stretch and repeat on the other side, reaching your left arm up and over your head while bending your torso to the right.

1. Lift your right arm straight up above your body and then bend at the elbow to lower your right hand behind your back, bringing your palm down as far down your back as you can.
2. Grab your right elbow with your left hand and gently pull it to the left until you feel a comfortable stretch.
3. Relax, and then perform the same stretch on the left tricep.
Lower Body

1. Start on all fours with your hands and knees on the floor, then slowly spread your knees as wide as possible.
2. Gradually slide your hips back towards your heels and lower your body down onto your forearms. Keep your spine straight and your head up.
3. Try to relax your groin muscles and allow your knees to move away from each other as much as you comfortably can.

1. Sit on the floor with your legs bent and the soles of your feet touching each other.
2. Hold onto your ankles with your hands and gently press your knees down towards the floor.
3. Keep your back straight and avoid hunching over.

1. Stand straight up and widen your feet two shoulder-widths apart (as widely as possible).
2. Bend forward at the hips while keeping your legs as straight as possible.
3. Let your body hang down and try to place your palms on the ground. You’ll feel the stretch in your inner thighs on both legs.

1. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
2. Cross your left ankle over your right knee, creating a "figure 4" shape with your legs.
3. Use your hands to gently pull your right knee towards your chest, feeling a stretch in your left hip.

1. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Take a wide step to the right with your right foot, turning your right toes out slightly.
3. Keeping your left foot planted, lower your body down into a squat, pushing your hips back and keeping your chest lifted.
4. Hold for the designated amount of time before performing the same stretch with the other leg.

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and keep your spine straight.
2. Bend your left knee and lift your left foot up towards your buttocks, holding onto your left ankle with your left hand.
3. Keep your knees close together and ensure that your left thigh is aligned with your right thigh.
4. Hold for the designated amount of time before performing the stretch with the other leg.