Yoga Day 14 – Habit Nest
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    Yoga Transformation Journal

    Day 14: Set Your Intention

    Warm Up

    1. Volcano Pose

    1. While in Mountain Pose, inhale and sweep your arms up over your head, either joining your palms together or keeping them parallel to each other.

    2. Shift your gaze up to the ceiling and breathe here for 30 seconds.

    2. Side Lunge Pose

    1. Beginning in Mountain Pose, bring your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart. Keep your spine straight and shift your weight slightly back onto your heels. Bring your arms up to shoulder level in a T shape.

    2. As you inhale, shift your weight to the right, bending your right knee ~90-degrees, stacking your right knee over your right ankle.

    3. Remain here for 30 seconds.

    4. Exhale, return to starting position, and repeat on the left side.

    3. Plank to Downward Dog Pose Flow

    1. Plant your hands firmly on the ground, then step or jump your feet back, coming onto the toes and balls of the feet and creating a long, straight line from the crown of your head to your heels.

    2. Inhale and lift the tailbone back and up until your arms and legs are fully extended, creating an upside-down V shape with your body.

    3. Remain here for 1-2 full breaths.

    4. Revolved Seated Straddle Pose

    1. From Seated Straddle Pose, extend your arms to the sides at shoulder level.

    2. Inhale and take a spinal twist, reaching your right arm toward your left ankle, and hold for 30 seconds, taking deep breaths.

    3. Exhale and return to center, then repeat on the other side.

    5. Rowing the Boat

    1. Begin in Staff Pose.

    2. Inhale, leaning the torso back. Pretend you’re holding invisible rowboat oars, bringing your hands up near your chest.

    3. As you exhale, row your hands forward as you bring the upper body into a forward fold. If possible, try to grab the outer sides of your feet.

    4. Inhale once again, lifting your upper body and rowing the hands toward the chest, then return to a forward fold on the exhale.

    5. Repeat the flow slowly for 30-60 seconds.

    6. Easy Boat Pose w/ Toe Taps

    1. Bend your legs at the knee to bring them close to your chest. Place your hands behind your knees for support. Leaning back slightly as you engage your core, come to balance on your sit bones.

    2. Once you’re balanced, bring the tops of the thighs a little further from the belly and lift the lower legs so that they’re parallel to the ground.

    3. When you’re feeling stable enough to do so, let go of the backs of your legs, bringing the arms parallel to the floor with palms facing inward toward each other.

    4. In a slow and controlled manner, tap the toes of your right foot to the ground, raising your right leg back up, then do the same with your left leg.

    5. Repeat this movement for 30-60 seconds, alternating feet.

    Peak Flow

    7. Wind Release to Mountain Pose Flow

    1. Inhale, then exhale and bring the knees in toward the chest, thighs pressing against your abdomen. Wrap your arms around your knees, hugging them close and clasping your hands or grabbing your elbows. Bring your forehead forward to meet your knees.

    2. As you exhale, rock your body back and forth until you can roll forward enough to plant your feet underneath you.

    3. Inhale and rise to a standing position. Stand with your feet parallel a few inches apart (or, if you need to widen your stance for better support and stability, hip-width apart).

    4. Lifting one foot at a time, spread the toes and ball of the foot, then return them strong and flat to the floor with your weight evenly distributed.

    5. Lift your sternum up, creating a strong, open upper chest without drawing the lower ribs forward.

    6. Draw your shoulder blades slightly inward toward each other, and down away from your neck and ears. Stack and center the crown of your head over your pelvis with your bottom jaw parallel to the floor.

    8. Mountain Pose Tiptoes Flow

    1. Begin in Mountain Pose.

    2. Inhale deeply and sweep your arms up in the air as you rise up onto your tiptoes.

    3. On the exhale, sweep your arms back down to your sides and plant your feet firmly back on the floor.

    4. Repeat this flow for 30 seconds, keeping your movements synchronized with your breath.

    9. Chair to Revolved Chair Pose Flow

    1. Start in Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Make sure you have a firm base of support through your feet.

    2. Bend the knees and slowly lower your tailbone as if you’re about to sit in an invisible chair, leaning the upper body very slightly. Try to make your thighs as parallel to the ground as you can.

    3. Bring your hands to a prayer position in front of your chest. On your next inhale, take a twist in the spine to hook your left elbow on the outer side of your right knee. Shift your gaze up toward the ceiling.

    4. On your next inhale, release from the twist to come back to regular Chair Pose.

    5. Repeat this movement for 30 seconds, alternating sides.

    10. Warrior I w/ Cactus Arms Flow

    1. Bend your right knee until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep the left thigh bone pushed back while tucking the tailbone forward a bit, engaging your core.

    2. Extend your arms straight out to each side in a T shape with your palms facing the floor. Bend your elbows and bring your forearms parallel to each other, fingertips pointing forward. Then, roll your arms so that your fingertips point toward the ceiling and your palms face forward.

    3. On your next exhale, straighten your right leg and cross your arms in front of your chest - right hand to just under the left shoulder, left hand to just under the right shoulder, elbows pointing toward the ground.

    4. Inhale and return to Warrior I w/ Cactus Arms, then repeat 2-3 times.

    11. Intense Leg Stretch Pose I

    1. Ground down into the floor with all 4 corners of your feet and bring both hands to the floor (or on blocks).

    2. Inhale and lengthen your spine down toward the floor, being careful not to round the back. Keep your spine and neck nice and straight as much as possible.

    3. Breathe here for 30 seconds.

    12. Vinyasa II

    1. Beginning in Plank Pose, exhale and lower yourself to the ground through the Four-Limbed Staff Pose, keeping your elbows stacked above your wrists.

    2. Inhale and extend your arms, pushing down into the floor through the tops of your feet and toes as you lift your torso into Upward-Facing Dog Pose.

    3. Exhale and tuck your toes, lifting your pelvis up and back, pushing yourself up into Downward Facing Dog Pose.

    Cool Down

    13. Striking Cobra Pöse

    1. Take a moment to center yourself in Child's Pose.

    2. On your next inhale, raise your upper body and walk your upper body forward slightly as you extend your legs behind. Exhale, allowing the front of your pelvis to become grounded.

    3. Inhale and extend your arms and shift your gaze slightly up so that the curve in the back of your neck is a continuation of the curve created by your spine.

    4. Breathe deeply here for 3-4 full breath cycles.

    14. Supine Abdominal Twist

    1. Begin with your legs out in front of you, sit bones grounded and spine tall.

    2. Push your heels away from your body, engaging the feet and toes. Your arms should be by your side with your palms or fingertips pressing down into the floor.

    3. Inhale and keep the front of your torso long as you hinge forward at the hips and reach for your toes/feet.

    4. Remain and breathe here for 60 seconds, lengthening your torso forward and walking your hands forward with each exhalation until you can grasp the outer sides of your feet.

    15. Easy Half Bow Pose

    1. Begin by lying prone on the floor with your arms outstretched forward.

    2. Inhale and bend your right knee to kick your foot toward your buttocks, grabbing onto it with your right hand. Keep your right thigh, hips, and the front of your right shoulder grounded.

    3. Remain here for 30 seconds, pressing the top of your foot into your hand just enough to keep your right arm fully extended.

    4. On an exhale, release your foot and arm back to the starting position, then repeat on the other side.
