Yoga Day 15 – Habit Nest
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    Yoga Transformation Journal

    Day 15: Set Your Intention

    Warm Up

    1. Constructive Rest Pose w/ Arms Overhead

    Starting position: Start by lying supine (on your back). Bend the knees and plant the bottoms of your feet on the ground ~12-16 inches away from your buttocks (Constructive Rest Pose).

    1. Inhale and sweep your arms along the floor, bringing your upper arms to rest on the ground next to your ears.

    2. Spend 30-60 seconds here, collecting your thoughts and tuning into your breath. When you’re done, sweep your arms back down to rest beside your torso.

    2. Cycling Pose

    1. Start out lying supine with your legs extended straight and your arms relaxed.

    2. On an exhale, lift and bend your right leg, bringing the front of the thigh toward your chest.

    3. Inhale, straightening your leg with the bottoms of your feet facing the ceiling.

    4. Exhale and lower your leg toward the ground, keeping it hovering a few inches above the floor.

    5. Inhale and relax your right leg back to the floor completely, then repeat with your left leg.

    6. Repeat 2-3 more times for each leg.

    3. Supine Windshield Wipers

    1. Begin lying supine. Bend the knees, planting the bottom of your feet on the floor at the outer edges of your mat.

    2. Extend your arms straight out on the ground beside you in a T shape.

    3. Keeping your upper arms flat on the ground, raise your forearms straight up and make sure your back and shoulder blades are broad. Then, rotate your upper arms back, bringing your forearms down to the ground pointing away from you (Cactus Arms). If this is too uncomfortable, you can keep your arms in the T shape.

    4. Inhale and lean both knees to the right, slowly lowering them toward the ground as far as you comfortably can.

    5. Spend 30 seconds here, breathing deeply, then exhale and lift your knees back to the starting position.

    6. Repeat, this time leaning your knees to the left.

    4. Reclined Half Cow Face Pose

    1. Start out lying supine with your feet planted hip-distance apart on the mat.

    2. Inhale and slowly allow the outer side of your right knee to sink to the ground. Bring the bottom of your right foot a little closer to your left foot if needed or make any other necessary adjustments in order to fully achieve this.

    3. Exhale and lift your left leg, then inhale as you thread it over your right leg, bringing the bottom of your left foot to the mat on the other side of the right thigh.

    4. Breathe deeply here for 30-60 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

    5. Supine Spinal Twist Pose

    1. Start out lying supine on your mat.

    2. Extend your arms out to each side of you like you’re making a T shape.

    3. Inhale and lift your legs, bending at the knees 90 degrees and keeping them together.

    4. Exhale and bring your knees to the ground on your right side. Shift your gaze to your left fingertips.

    5. Stay here for 30 seconds. Close your eyes and really relax into this posture.

    6. Inhale and raise your knees back up, bringing them back to the center with your hips grounded. Exhale and release your legs back to the floor

    7. Repeat on your left side.

    6. Reclined Cow Face Pose

    1. Start out lying supine with your legs straight in front of you.

    2. Bend your left knee and plant your foot on the mat, then cross your right leg over the left.

    3. Hug your knees in toward your chest enough to grab your right ankle with your left hand, and your left ankle with the right hand.

    4. Remain here, breathing deeply for 30 seconds, then inhale and return to the starting position.

    5. Repeat with your left leg crossed over your right.

    Peak Flow

    7. Downward Dog to Mountain Pose Flow

    1. On an exhale, begin walking your feet forward to come into Standing Forward Fold Pose.

    2. Take 2-3 breaths here and alternate bending and straightening your knees.3. Inhale and slowly raise your torso up to come into Mountain Pose.

    8. Revolved Forward Fold w/ Bent Knee

    1. Begin in Standing Forward Fold Pose.

    2. Keeping your right leg straight, exhale and take a slight bend in your left leg.

    3. Inhale and lengthen your spine, twisting your upper body to the right. Your left hand or fingertips should be on the floor, while your left arm extends straight upward. Rotate your head to shift your gaze up toward your left hand.

    4. Spend 30 seconds here, then return to the center and repeat on the opposite side.

    9. Warrior III Leg Sweep Flow

    1. Inhale your arms up, extending them either straight ahead of you or straight out to each side. Feel the energy flowing through your arms as you lengthen your side body.

    2. Slowly begin to shift your weight onto your right leg, firming the inner thighs and engaging the core.

    3. Inhale and lift your left leg, extending it straight and pressing through the heel. If you can, try to lift your leg so that it creates a straight line from the crown of your head to the heel of your left leg. Keep the right leg engaged, keeping it straight with a slight bend. (Warrior III)

    4. On your next inhale, bring your hands to your hips and swing your left leg straight forward as you raise your upper body so that the crown of your head points to the ceiling.

    5. Exhale and swing your left leg back as you return to Warrior III.

    6. Repeat this movement for 2-3 breaths.

    10. Standing Wind Release Pose

    1. Beginning in Mountain Pose, inhale, and lift your right foot slightly.

    2. Once you feel balanced and stable enough to do so, lift your foot higher and draw the top of your thigh toward your chest. Wrap one or both arms around your knee/shin to hug your leg closer to your chest.

    3. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, then release back to Mountain Pose.

    11. High Lunge Pose

    1. With your right leg forward, knee bent at ~90 degrees, keep your pelvis squarely forward and engage your core, tucking your tailbone forward slightly. Push back through the left thighbone.

    2. Remain here with your arms overhead for 30 seconds.

    12. Reverse Warrior Pose

    1. Stretch your arms straight out to the side in a T shape and shift your gaze out to your right hand.

    2. Turn your left palm up toward the ceiling, then as you exhale, lower your left arm and slowly slide it down the back of your left leg

    3. Remain here for 1-2 breaths.

    Cool Down

    13. Locust to Wide-Legged Chariot Flow

    1. Starting in a prone position, relax your arms to your sides, fingertips pointing behind you. Place your forehead on the floor and the tops of your feet on the floor/mat, pointing your toes.

    2. Inhale and raise your head, upper body, and lower legs off of the ground slightly. Exhale here.

    3. On the next inhale, try to raise up higher as you spread your legs slightly wider than hip-width and spread your arms like airplane wings.

    4. Exhale and bring your arms and legs lower and closer together as you did in step 2.5. Inhale, then on the next exhale, lower yourself back to the floor.

    6. Repeat this flow for 60-90 seconds.

    14. Sleeping Swan Posse

    1. Begin in Pigeon Pose.

    2. Inhale your arms up, energizing through the fingertips and feeling your sides lengthening.

    3. On the exhale, hinge forward at the hips, folding your upper body over your right leg. Keep the arms straight, bringing the palms to the floor. Relax your neck, bringing your forehead to the floor if you’d like.

    4. Breathe here for 2-3 breaths.

    15. Full Body Stretch to Wind Release Flow

    1. Beginning in a supine position, engage your feet, pushing your heels away from you. Lengthen the back of the neck.

    2. Inhale and sweep your arms overhead, keeping them flat on the floor with palms facing upward. Extend them fully, feeling an energizing stretch all the way from your fingertips to your heels. Take another deep breath here as you start to engage your core. (Full-Body Stretch Pose)

    3. Inhale, then exhale and bring the knees in toward the chest, thighs pressing against your abdomen. Grab onto your knees, pulling them close.

    4. On your exhale, move your knees away from you until your arms are fully extended with your hands holding your knees.

    5. Really tune into your breath here, soothing your heart rate and slowing your breathing.

    6. Repeat this flow for 30 seconds.
