Yoga Transformation Journal
Day 19: Set Your Intention
Warm Up

1. Inhale and raise your arms overhead, interlocking your fingers with palms facing skyward.
2. Exhale and gently twist your upper body to the right side.
3. Inhale and return to the center, then exhale and twist to the left.
4. Repeat this movement for 30-60 seconds.

1. Begin in Thunderbolt Pose.
2. With your spine tall and straight, inhale and sweep your arms forward. Exhale and swing them back behind you.
3. Repeat this movement for 30-60 seconds, flowing with your breath.

1. Begin in Staff Pose.
2. Inhale, leaning the torso back. Pretend you’re holding invisible rowboat oars, bringing your hands up near your chest.
3. As you exhale, row your hands forward as you bring the upper body into a forward fold. If possible, try to grab the outer sides of your feet.
4. Inhale once again, lifting your upper body and rowing the hands toward the chest, then return to a forward fold on the exhale.
5. Repeat the flow slowly for 30-60 seconds.

1.Begin in Staff Pose (Dandasana).
2. Lean your torso back, bringing your forearms to the floor and tucking them close to your torso. Pinch your shoulder blades together to broaden the chest.
3. Inhale and lift your pelvis slightly, tuck your hands underneath your buttocks, then lower back down. Your buttocks should rest on the back of your hands.
4. On your next inhale, relax your head and neck, touching the crown of your head to the floor.
5. Take 1-2 deep breaths here
6. Bring your head back up and forward while rounding your upper back slightly. Take another 1-2 breaths.
7. Repeat both movements once more, then release from the pose.

1. Relax your arms, placing the hands either on your lap or the floor. You can stay seated the way you are or bend your knees to sit cross-legged.
2. Tuck your chin and slowly relax your head forward, feeling a stretch along the back of your neck and the base of your skull.
3. Gently roll your head in a clockwise circle 4-5 times, then counterclockwise 4-5 times.

1. In Easy Pose (Sukhasana), relax your shoulders. Either relax your arms down to your lap, the floor, or in front of your knees.
2. Rotate your shoulders up, forward, down, and back in a circular motion.
3. Repeat while you take 1-2 deep breaths, then reverse the motion for 1-2 breaths.
Peak Flow

1. Plant your hands firmly on the ground, then step or jump your feet back, coming onto the toes and balls of the feet and creating a long, straight line from the crown of your head to your heels.
2. Inhale and lift the tailbone back and up until your arms and legs are fully extended, creating an upside-down V shape with your body.
3. Remain here for 1-2 full breaths.

1. Begin in Downward Facing Dog Pose.
2. Inhale and lift your right leg, extending it up and out.
3. As you exhale, really draw your core in and round your back slightly to bring your right knee to your elbow or nose.
4. Repeat this motion for 30 seconds.

1. Begin in Downward Facing Dog.
2. Inhale and float your right leg up, then exhale it forward to the outside of your right arm. Stack your right knee above the ankle. Adjust your foot ever so slightly to point outward at a ~45-degree angle. Keep your left leg straight, toes tucked, and left thighbone pushing away from the floor.
3.Take a deep breath, then exhale and bring your forearms to the floor. Keep your neck neutral, and your spine long and straight.
4. Breathe here for 30 seconds.
1. Beginning in Mountain Pose, exhale and take a very slight bend in the knee, folding your upper body forward and bringing the hands to the ankles, feet, or ground (or as close as you can comfortably reach!).
2. Take a deep inhale into your chest, lengthening the spine.
3. On the exhale, try to take that slight bend in the knee a bit straighter, making sure not to hyper-extend or lock your knees.
4. Take another inhale, and as you exhale, feel your spine lengthening further down toward the ground. Lengthen and stretch the neck, keeping your shoulders pulled away from your ears.
5. Remain here for 30-60 seconds.

1. In Mountain Pose, inhale your upper arms to shoulder height with your forearms up and palms facing away from you (Cactus Arms)
2. On your next inhale, take a very slight backbend up the upper back, allowing the neck to relax back slightly in a continuation of the curve.
3. Breathe here for 30 seconds.

1. Take a moment to completely relax the spine and bring awareness to your breath.
2. Inhale and swing your arms up into the air with palms parallel and facing each other. Engage your back, core, glutes, and quads to lift your body up, keeping your shoulder blades planted.
3. At the height of the pose, your arms will come all the way to the ground, fingertips pointing away from you. There should be a straight line running along your chest all the way out to your knees, and your knees should be stacked above your ankles.
4. Hold this position and breathe for 30-60 seconds.
Cool Down

1. Starting on your hands and knees, make sure your knees are slightly wider than hip-distance apart while bringing the toes of both feet together.
2. Press your palms into the mat as if to push the ground away from you and sink your sit bones all the way down and back to rest your heels.
3. Rest your forehead on the mat, close your eyes, and breathe deep. Remain here for 30 seconds.

1. Begin in Kneeling Pose. Make sure your legs are hip-width apart.
2. Take a deep breath, tucking your tailbone in toward your knees, then exhale and bring your pelvis forward and lower your hands to your heels in a deep backbend.
3. Breathe here for 30 seconds.

1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.
2. Bend your right knee and place your foot on the outside of your left knee, keeping your left leg straight.
3. Twist your torso to the right, placing your left hand on your right knee and your right hand on the floor behind you. Hold the stretch for the designated amount of time before repeating on the other side.