Lara Muse's Morning Sidekick Story! – Habit Nest
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    Lara Muse's Morning Sidekick Story!

    Lara Muse's Morning Sidekick Story!


    1. Q: How many years young are you and what is your living situation?
    1. 50. I am a work at home mom of 9 who homeschools 7.  I own my own business and my husband works overnights.

    2. Q: What's the biggest challenge you faced in changing your morning routine? How have you dealt with it/got over it/are still dealing with it?
    2. Combating the idea that I would fail this time because I have failed before, over the long haul.

    3. Q: What time did you wake up and go to sleep before you started using the Morning Sidekick Journal, and what time do you wake up and sleep now?
    3. For years I have tried to go to bed at 10pm as a goal.  That is still my goal. However, during the holidays I had gotten to where I was staying up until 2am or sometimes later! I have Type II Bipolar and have managed extremely well for over 25 years without meds by managing my sleep and moods.  I know, without a doubt, that the fastest way to get off track is to fail to adhere to a solid bedtime and routine.

    4. Q: What did your mornings look like before you started using the Morning Sidekick Journal? What do your mornings look like now?
    4. I was honestly on a good path before my journal arrived, partly just due to what I had recommitted to but also partly due to having the pdf to read through before my actual journal(s) arrived!  I specifically purchased the journal(s) to track what I was doing and help keep me accountable to what I'd already put into practice.

    Now: THE SAME!  It is over 3 weeks in and I am STILL going strong.  Not perfect, I don't seek perfection. But even if it's noon, I am still getting done what I set out to do and am to the point of switching some things out (adding some basic stretching) now that I have some things solidified.

    5. Q: In one sentence, what's your favorite thing about the Morning Sidekick Journal?
    5. Having a written record of my progress!

    6. Q: How has using the Morning Sidekick Journal and doing your morning routine impacted your life overall?
    6. Faith is the center of my life and it is easy to allow myself to become distracted.  Work, family, finances, health, all seem to come together and give us something "other" that starts to take our focus.  I knew that this was something we, as a whole family, needed to put back in the forefront of our lives.

    That had to start with ME.  *I* had to get myself straight and that meant starting my day by dedicating myself to God.  My morning routine begins with prayer and the Scriptures. Now that I have solidified that and have been practicing it well for several weeks I am adding in more health related things because I have to get back on track.  It's a process, not a single point in time, and I am learning to practice forgiveness with myself while I'm at it.

    No, not every morning has been perfect!  But I haven't missed a single day of getting the basics on my list done.  A line item may be completed after noon, but they are getting done. Now I need to conquer adding things to the mix.
