Nicole Black’s Morning Sidekick Story! – Habit Nest
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    Nicole Black’s Morning Sidekick Story!

    Nicole Black’s Morning Sidekick Story!


    1. Q: How many years young are you and what is your living situation?
    1. I am 39 years old and mother of two small children.

    2. Q: What's the biggest challenge you faced in changing your morning routine? How have you dealt with it/got over it/are still dealing with it?
    2. The biggest issue I had was getting to bed early and actually getting out of bed.  I had tried many times to get up early and would just talk myself into staying in bed.  My struggles are getting easier for sure and in just a month, it is becoming a habit already.

    3. Q: What time did you wake up and go to sleep before you started using the Morning Sidekick Journal, and what time do you wake up and sleep now?
    3. Before I woke up at 7am by my 5 year old son to get ready for school.  Now I am getting up at 5:30am.

    4. Q: What did your mornings look like before you started using the Morning Sidekick Journal? What do your mornings look like now?
    4. Before my mornings looked like my son waking me up and so I was so tired and sort of grouchy. I would make coffee and get him ready for school and then drag myself to work drinking more coffee to jumpstart my day or on my days home start cleaning and doing laundry.  My mornings now are completely different. I have a similar routine daily.  I get out of bed and make coffee and do 30 minutes of prayer, meditation, bible study followed by 10 pages of a motivation/self development book.  I then watch a 5 minute Darren Daily morning video by Darren Hardy which provides more self development information.  I then do 30 minutes of exercise and then wake my son up for school.  I am excited now for my kids to wake up and am in a good mood when they wake up.  

    5. Q: In one sentence, what's your favorite thing about the Morning Sidekick Journal?
    5. My favorite thing about the journal is it actually motivated me to get out of bed and offers daily easy to dos that help keep me grounded and focused.  It has set off a chain reaction of personal growth.

    6. Q: How has using the Morning Sidekick Journal and doing your morning routine impacted your life overall?
    6. This might sound a little dramatic, but the journal has changed my life in a very swift and impactful way.  It gave me some quiet time to fit in things I often don’t make time for such as exercise.  It really has been a jumping off point that has opened the door to growth.  The past year has been hard and I was stuck in a dark place.  Starting this journal has allowed me to reach new places which have inspired me in great ways.  It’s the combination of introducing positive things such as the daily self development books, but waking up early and the journal have allowed for my mindset to change.  I am so excited about the next 365 days and the growth potential it holds.
