- Holding dumbbells in each hand, keep your knees slightly bent and your back straight with your chest puffed outwards.
- Hinging from your waist, bend down towards the floor as far as possible while keeping your back straight and your knees slightly bent.
- At the climax of the movement (when you get as low as possible, hold for .5 - 1 seconds).
- Using your legs and butt, straighten your knees until your body comes to a standing position.
- Repeat the movement to complete the set.

2. Straight Arm Rope Pull
- Stand with the rope in between your legs.
- Keeping your arms straight (elbows slightly bent), pull the rope up from the floor to your shoulder height, hold for a count of two seconds, and slowly return to the starting position.
- Repeat until the set is complete.

3. Lateral Raise
- Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and have dumbbells by your side at arms length away. When performing this exercise your palms should be facing down.
- Keep your abs pulled into your spine, your torso stationary and raise the dumbbells to your side with a slight bend at your elbow. Lif your arms until they are parallel to the floor (shoulder level) and pause for a second at the top.
- Lower the dumbbells back down slowly and repeat.

4. Hip Thrust
- Using a barbell or heavy dumbbell, use an amount of weight youâre comfortable with.
- Place your body under the barbell or put the dumbbell on the upper part of your thighs, and use a bench to support your back, neck, and head behind you.
- Keep your feet on the floor, put your feet directly under your knees so that when you extend, youâll make a 90% angle.
- Raise the barbell up from the floor primarily using your glute muscles.
- Repeat the motion until the set is complete.
*It is VERY important to focus on contracting your glute muscles throughout this movement - make use of the mind-muscle connection! If you need to, slightly move your feet to see if you can get your glutes to fire.
*Make sure to maximize the full range of motion, going all the way up with your hips before coming back down slowly!
*If youâre unsure what weight youâre comfortable with, start off with something very light and see how it feels. Add to it until you find that comfortable but difficult weight level.
*You can use a pad or a towel under the bar for comfort