Day 44 : 4-3-2-1 Workout – Habit Nest
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    Day 44 : 4-3-2-1 Workout

    Workout 44 from Habit Nest


    1a. Double Walk Out

    1. WrapWrap the resistance bands around your calves or ankles.
    2. Get into a squat position with your knees slightly bent and your feet shoulder-width apart.
    3. Staying low in squat position, take a step to the right while maintaining the low squat position.
    4. Step back to the original position, starting with your left leg.
    5. Repeat
    *The double side step is the same movement, except you take two steps to the side and then return.

    1b. Tabletop w/ Donkey Kick

    1. Get into a tabletop position with your hands and knees on the floor and your back comfortably straight.
    2. Raise one leg and straighten it out directly behind you while raising it as high as you possibly can. Make sure to feel the contraction in your glute muscles.
    3. Allow the leg to slowly return to the original position and repeat.

    1c. Tabletop w/ Diagonal Kick

    1. Get into a tabletop position with your hands and knees on the floor, and your back comfortably straight.
    2. Raise one leg and straighten it.
    3. As you straighten the leg, in one motion, move your straight leg behind the butt cheek on the other leg (the leg that is still on the floor).
    4. Return to the original position and repeat.

    1d. Fire Hydrant

    1. Wrap a resistance band around your thighs just above your knees.
    2. Get into a Table-Top position with your knees and hands on the floor.
    3. Keeping your knee bent, raise one leg laterally off the floor.
    4. Repeat this until the set is complete.
    Note: *Can do this with or without the resistance band.
    1c. Lateral Leg Raise

    CIRCUIT 1 (60s Each)

    1a. Ski Mogul

    1. Get into plank position with your feet together, jump both feet towards your right hand,
    2. Ten quickly jump your feet back to center position, and then jump your feet towards your left hand before jumping back to center position.
    3. Keep repeating the alternating jumps until the set is complete.

    1b. Lateral Lunge w/ Half ‘X’

    1. Place a dumbbell in your left hand and step out into a lateral lunge with your right leg.
    2. Next, push out of your lunge by kicking of your right leg out and extending your left arm towards the ceiling.
    3. Return to the starting position and repeat.

    1c. Lateral Lunge w/ Half ‘X’

    1. Place a dumbbell in your left hand and step out into a lateral lunge with your right leg.
    2. Next, push out of your lunge by kicking of your right leg out and extending your left arm towards the ceiling.
    3. Return to the starting position and repeat.

    1d. Side Shuffle w/ Floor Tap

    1. Starting in squat position, shuffle to the right three times and tap the floor.
    2. Still staying low, shuffle three times to the left and tap the floor.
    *Remember, stay in a low squat position throughout the whole set!

    CIRCUIT 2 (50s Each)

    2a. Squat Thrust

    1. Stand straight up.
    2. Bring both hands towards the floor, and once they’re on the floor, extend both legs so they’re straight behind you.
    3. Jump or step your feet back to your hands.
    4. Stand straight up.
    5. Repeat until the set is complete!
    *Very similar to a burpee, just doesn’t have the jump at the top.

    2b. Tabletop Elbow to Knee Crunch

    1. Get in a tabletop position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Hold your body up off the floor in this position. Hold a light dumbbell in your right hand.
    2. From this position extend your right arm out in front of you, and extend your left leg straight out behind you.
    3. Next, crunch your abs by bringing your right elbow to meet your left knee in the middle of your body.
    4. Extend them again and repeat.
    5. Make sure to finish one side before switching hands and doing the other side.

    2c. Jump Squat

    1. In a squat position with feet shoulder-width apart and your weight in your heels, jump of the floor.
    2. Jump, and land directly back in the squat position.
    3. Repeat the movement until the set is complete.

    CIRCUIT 3 (40s Each)

    3a. Lateral Lunge to Curtsy Lunge

    1. Stand with your feet together, step out on one side into a lateral lunge, keeping your other foot straight. Drop your butt as low as you can as if you’re sitting in a chair, making sure your knees don’t go past your toes in front of you.
    2. From here, step back to center, and with the same leg do a curtsy lunge take a big step back crossing it behind the stabilizer foot. Make sure to get your knee as close to the floor as possible!
    3. Repeat for the duration of the set, and then switch sides.
    3a. Lateral Lunge to Reverse Lunge

    3b. Side Triangle Crunch

    1. Get in a side plank position by putting your left elbow on the floor, and lifting yourself of the floor with your left elbow (You can either stack your feet or stagger your feet. Stacking is more difficult).
    2. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and straighten your arm towards the ceiling.
    3. While holding this position, lower your elbow and raise your knee so that they meet in the middle of your body.
    4. While doing so keep your hips lifted of the floor the entire time.

    CIRCUIT 4 (30s Each)

    4a. Burpee

    1. Stand straight up.
    2. Bring both hands towards the floor, and once they’re on the floor, extend both legs so they’re straight behind you.
    3. Jump or step your feet back to your hands.
    4. Using your arms for momentum, jump up as high as you can while reaching your hands towards the ceiling.
    5. Repeat until the set is complete!
    Note: For an additional challenge, land from your jump in step 4 straight into the crouched position in step 2, making the entire exercise a series of fluid movements.

    COOL DOWN (60s Each)

    1a. Crossbody Hangover

    1. Cross one foot over the other, and hinging from your waist, hang your upper body over your lower body and try to touch the floor with your arms. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings, and try to lengthen your spine.
    2. Switch feet and continue the stretch.

    1d. Runner’s Stretch

    1. Lunge forward with one leg at a 90 degree angle while your other foot remains straight behind you with the bottom of your foot facing the ceiling.
    2. Gently press through your hips. Lift your opposite arm up towards the ceiling.
    3. If you’re flexible enough, try lifting your foot and grabbing your toes.

    1c. Glute Stretch

    1. Lying on your back, place one leg over the other and pull your leg towards your chest.

    1d. Lat Stretch

    1. Inch your fingers up the wall until you feel a stretch on the side of your body in your lats.