Stretching Day 14 – Habit Nest
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    Stretching Day 14


    1. Inch Worm Walk Out

    1. Stand straight up with feet hip-width apart. Keep knees slightly bent.
    2. Bend at the waist and fold over in a slow and controlled manner to reach your hands to the ground. Bend your knees as much as necessary to actually have your hands firmly planted on the ground.
    3. Walk your hands forward until you find yourself in a push-up position.
    4. Hold the push-up position for 1-2 seconds, squeezing your core, butt, and hamstring muscles.
    5. Walk your hands back to your feet until you’re comfortable enough to stand up again.
    6. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions total.

    2. Plank w/ Shoulder Tap

    1. Start in a straight-arm plank (push-up position), with your wrists under your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart.
    2. Tighten your core, ground your toes on 
the floor, and squeeze your glute muscles 
to stabilize your body and keep it in one straight line from the top of your head 
down to your heels.
    3. Slowly and in a controlled manner, lift your right hand, tap your left shoulder, and then return to the plank position.
    4. Then, tap your right shoulder with your
left hand and continue alternating sides.
    5. Tap each shoulder 10-15 times for a total 
of 20-30 repetitions.


    3. Rocking Feet w/ Arm Raise

    1. Stand straight up, comfortably, with your arms by your side.
    2. In one motion, lift your straight arms as high as you can above your head, while coming up onto the balls of your feet to your tiptoes.
    3. Then, in one motion, lower your straight arms and stretch them as far back behind you as you can while rotating your feet back onto your heels. Do this VERY slowly to make sure you can actually balance on your heels!
    4. Repeat the exercise in each direction 10-15 times for a total of 20-30 repetitions.




    1. Forearm Stretch w/ Hands On Surface

    Starting position: Stand in front of a surface 
like a bench, bed, table, couch, or any surface 
that is about waist level or a little bit lower.

    1. Place your fingers on the edge of the surface and drop your wrists down, so that your palms are facing up and your fingers are pointing towards your body.
    2. Lean forward until you feel a comfortable stretch in your forearms and wrists.
    3. Hold for 15 seconds.
    4. Now, turn your hands over so that your 
palms are facing the surface and your 
fingers are pointing away from your body.
    5. Drop your wrists down and lean forward 
until you feel the stretch in your forearms 
and wrists.
    6. Hold for 15 seconds.


    2. Behind the Back Tricep Extension

    Starting position: Stand comfortably, with your feet shoulder-width apart.

    1. Lift your right arm straight up above your body and then bend at the elbow to lower your right hand behind your back, bringing your palm down as far down your back as you can.
    2. Grab your right elbow with your left hand and gently pull it to the left until you feel a comfortable stretch.
    3. Hold for 15 seconds.
    4. Relax, and then perform the same stretch on the left tricep.


    3. Child's Pose

    Starting position: Get into a tabletop position, 
with your hands directly under your shoulders 
and your knees in line with your hips.

    1. Push your butt back towards your feet as far 
as possible.
    2. Stretch your arms out on the floor in front of you until you feel like your spine is elongating.
    3. Reach forward with your fingers to further elongate the spine, to the extent that it feels good and comfortable.
    4. Hold the stretch for 60 seconds and deepen 
the stretch when you feel it is possible by further elongating your spine.

    4. Sphinx/Cobra

    Starting position: Lie on your stomach on 
the floor, as if you were sleeping on the floor 
on your belly.

    1. Slowly prop yourself up on your elbows, bringing the upper half of your torso up 
off the ground.
    2. Start to straighten your elbows, further extending your back and lifting more of your torso off the ground, until you feel a gentle stretch in your spine. Only lift yourself to the extent that it feels right and comfortable.
    3. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.


    5. Seated Spinal Twist

    Starting position: Sit on the floor with one leg extended straight out in front of you, the other leg bent comfortably so that the sole of your resting foot touches the inner thigh of the straight leg, and your back straight.

    1. Bend forward at the waist, making sure to keep the back straight, and reach out towards your foot with your hands as far as you can.
    2. Hold for 30 seconds, deepening the stretch whenever it feels comfortable to do so.
    3. Relax and perform the same stretch on the other leg.


    6. Cross Arm Shoulder Stretch

    Starting position: Stand comfortably, with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold your arms 
out horizontally.

    1. Cross your left arm across your chest, so that your left fingers are pointing towards the right side of your body.
    2. Support your left arm with the elbow crease 
of your right arm, or use your right hand to hold your left arm in place against your chest.
    3. Use your right arm to pull your left arm in towards your body, so that you feel a stretch 
in your left shoulder.
    4. Hold for 15 seconds.
    5. Relax, and then perform the same stretch 
on the right shoulder.


    7. Elbow Opener

    Starting position: Stand or sit comfortably 
with arms by your side.

    1. Place your hands clasped together behind 
your head.
    2. Pull your elbows apart as wide as comfortably possible, as if you were trying to touch 
your elbows together behind your back.
    3. Hold for 30 seconds.


    8. Open Book Chest Stretch

    Starting position: Lie down on your left side, 
with both knees bent and legs lying on top 
of each other on the ground.

    1. Stretch your left arm out so it's extended horizontally to the side of your body, with 
the palm facing up.
    2. Extend your right hand, and place it directly on the left hand, so now both of your arms and legs are simply lying on top of each other.
    3. Without moving your legs at all, raise your right arm and, making a semi-circle, twist your head and torso to the other side as you try to place your right arm on the floor to the right side of your body, as if you were an open book.
    4. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
    5. Repeat the same stretch on the other side.



    1. Frog Pose

    Starting position: Lie facedown, bend your 
knees about 90 degrees, and spread them 
as wide as you can.

    1. Fold your hands under your forehead 
to relax the upper half of the body.
    2. Keeping your knees bent, sink your hips towards the floor.
    3. Hold for 60 seconds, and deepen the stretch by sinking your hips more towards the floor whenever possible.

    2. Butterfly

    Starting position: Sit on the ground and place 
the soles of your feet together in front of you. 
Let your knees bend out and fall to the ground 
as much as gravity allows them to.

    1. Place your hands on your feet and pull your heels towards you.
    2. Keep your back straight and your abs 
engaged as you let your knees relax and 
inch closer to the floor. You’ll feel the 
stretch in your groin muscles.
    3. Hold for 30 seconds, deepening the stretch whenever it feels comfortable to do so.


    3. Halfway Center Split

    Starting position: Stand straight up and 
widen your feet two shoulder-widths apart 
(as wide as possible).

    1. Bend forward at the hips while keeping 
your legs as straight as possible.
    2. Let your body hang down and try to place 
your palms on the ground. You’ll feel the stretch in your inner thighs on both legs.
    3. Hold for 30 seconds.


    4. Knee to Chest Stretch

    Starting position: Lie on your back with your whole body relaxed on the floor and your legs outstretched. Make sure your whole back is touching the floor.

    1. Bring one knee towards your chest and 
grab your knee with both hands to pull.
    2. Pull until you feel the stretch in the top 
of your butt and lower back.
    3. Hold for 15 seconds, gently let go and relax.
    4. Hold for 30 seconds, deepening the stretch whenever it feels comfortable to do so.
    5. Relax and perform the same stretch on 
the other leg.


    5. Figure 4

    Starting position: Lie down on your back, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor in 
front of you.

    1. Cross your left foot over your right knee.
    2. Grab your right leg with both hands and pull your right knee in towards your upper body until you feel a stretch in the glute muscles 
on the left side of your body.
    3. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, then relax 
and return to the starting position.
    4. Repeat the stretch on the other side. 
Hold for 30 seconds.


    6. Lying Hip Extension

    Starting position: Lay on the floor on your back with your arms outstretched into a ‘Y’ shape above your head. Arms should be resting comfortably on the floor. Feet flat on the floor with legs shoulder-width apart.

    1. Lift your right leg and cross it over your left knee so that your right leg is resting, open, 
on your left leg.
    2. Without moving your torso, bend your left leg down towards the ground until the whole left side of your left leg is resting on the ground.
    3. Open your right hip by pulling your right 
leg towards the ground.
    4. Hold for 30 seconds, and then perform 
the same stretch on the other side.


    7. Lateral Squat

    Starting position: Stand straight up with your 
feet very widely apart (double shoulder-width).

    1. Shift your weight to your right leg, bend your right knee, and push your hips back as if you’re going to sit down. This results in a slight squat towards your right leg. Keep your chest, 
back, and spine straight without curling 
or bending forward.
    2. Drop as low as possible towards your right 
foot while keeping your left leg straight and your left foot flat on the ground, with your toes on your left leg pointing directly in front of you.
    3. Hold for 30 seconds, deepening the stretch whenever it feels comfortable to do so.
    4. Relax, and repeat the same stretch on the 
other leg.


    8. Lateral Squat w/ Toe Raise

    Starting position: Stand straight up with your 
feet very widely apart (double shoulder-width).

    1. Shift your weight to your right leg, bend your right knee, and push your hips back as if you’re going to sit down. This results in a slight squat towards your right leg.
    2. Twist your left foot so that only your heel is on the ground and your toes are pointing straight up towards the ceiling.
    3. Turn your body so that you’re facing your 
left leg.
    4. Drop as low as possible towards your right foot while keeping your left leg straight with toes pointed to the ceiling. Find your balance in 
this position and place your hands on the 
floor as needed to stabilize.
    5. If possible, reach towards your left foot 
while bending only at the hip/waist, 
curling your back as little as necessary.
    6. Hold for 30 seconds, deepening the stretch whenever it feels comfortable to do so.
    7. Relax and perform the same stretch on 
the other leg.


    9. Standing Quad Stretch

    Starting position: Stand with your whole 
body relaxed.

    1. While balancing on your left foot, grab the bottom of your right shin, where it meets 
your foot, by bending your leg behind you.
    2. Tuck your pelvis in, and pull your shin 
toward your butt (glutes), making sure your knee is pointing to the ground, or as close to the ground as possible.
    3. Hold for 30 seconds, deepening the stretch whenever it feels comfortable to do so.
    4. Relax and perform the same stretch on 
the other leg.


    10. Hanging Calf Stretch

    Starting position: Stand on the balls of your feet at the edge of a stair or step. If you don’t have a stair or step, you can place a few towels on top of each other to simulate one.

    1. While keeping your legs straight, allow gravity to pull your heels down towards the floor.
    2. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.

