WGBJ 3 - Workout 40 – Habit Nest
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    WGBJ 3 - Workout 40

    Workout 40: Chest & Abs 

    Chest Exercises

    1. Flat Bench Press 

    Caution: In order to protect yourself, it is best to have a spotter help you.

    1. Start by lying back on a flat bench. Use an overhand grip that is wider than your shoulder-width to lift the bar from the rack. Hold it directly above you with your arms fully extended.
    2. Inhale and begin lowering the bar toward your chest until your elbow creates a 90° angle. 
    3. After a brief pause, push the bar back to the starting position as you exhale. Focus on  using your chest muscles to push up the bar.
    4. Lock your arms and squeeze your chest in the contracted position at the top of the  motion. Hold for a second and then slowly begin lowering the bar.

    2. Incline Bench Press

    1. Pick up the dumbbells and grip them so that so your palms are facing inward. Lie back on an incline bench angled at about 30 degrees, and rest the dumbbells on your hip crease. 
    2. Press the dumbbells out and over you so that your arms are fully extended. Rotate your wrists so that your palms are facing each other. 
    3. Slightly retract your shoulder blades, unlock your elbows, and slowly lower the dumbbells laterally to create a wide arc while maintaining the angle at your elbow. You should feel stretch in your chest.
    4. Once the dumbbells reach your chest level, reverse the movement while trying not to let  the dumbbells touch.
    5. Pick up the dumbbells and grip them so that so your palms are facing inward. Lie back on an incline bench angled at about 30 degrees, and rest the dumbbells on your hip crease.
    6. Press the dumbbells out and over you so that your arms are fully extended. Rotate your wrists so that your palms are facing each other. 
    7. Slightly retract your shoulder blades, unlock your elbows, and slowly lower the dumbbells laterally to create a wide arc while maintaining the angle at your elbow. You should feel stretch in your chest.
    8. Once the dumbbells reach your chest level, reverse the movement while trying not to let  the dumbbells touch.

    3. Decline Bench Press

    Caution: In order to protect yourself, it is best to have a spotter help you.

    1. Start by securing your legs under the brace at the bottom of the decline bench and lie down.
    2. Using an overhand medium-width grip, lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over your chest with your arms full extended. Your arms should be perpendicular to the ground. 
    3. As you inhale, lower the bar toward your chest until your elbows reach a 90° angle.
    4. Pause for a second, then use your chest muscles to push the bar back up to the starting position as you exhale. Lock your arms and squeeze your chest in at the contracted  position. Hold for a second and then start to lower the bar down slowly.

    4. High to Low Cable Fly

    1. Move the pulleys to the highest position and select the same resistance for each D-handle.
    2. Stand between both pulleys with your arms extended out to your sides. Grasp both handles with an overhand grip while keeping your feet aligned with the pulleys.
    3. Remaining upright and keeping a slight bend in your elbows, pull your arms close together in front of your body.
    4. After a pause at the peak contraction, return your arms back to the starting position.

    Ab Exercises

    1. Hanging Leg Lift 

    1. Hang from a chin-up bar with both arms extended at arms length in top of you using either a wide grip or a medium grip. The legs should be straight down with the pelvis rolled slightly backwards. This will be your starting position.
    2. Raise your legs until the torso makes a 90-degree angle with the legs. Hold for 0.5-1 seconds. 
    3. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

    2. Starfish Crunch

    1. Lie on your back with your arms and legs stretched out into an “X” position. 
    2. In one movement, bring one arm straight up across your body while simultaneously lifting your opposing leg and lifting your head. 
    3. Attempt to touch one arm to your opposite ankle, or try to come as close as you can.
    4. Alternate sides.

    3. In and Out

    1. Stand straight up with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding dumbbells.
    2. Jump into a wide squat position and touch the floor (or close to the floor) with one arm extended towards the floor.
    3. Jump your feet back together in a straight, standing position.
    4. Jump immediately back into a wide squat position and touch the floor with opposite hand. 
    5. Keep alternating arms back and forth. 

    *Try to keep your chest lifted while you do this.

    4. V-Up

    1. Lie straight on your back with your legs together and your arms together, straight above your head.
    2. In one motion, raise your legs off the floor while keeping them straight. Also raise your torso and hands to meet your legs in the middle of your body.  
    3. Repeat!
