Yoga Transformation Journal
Day 13: Set Your Intention
Warm Up

1. Place one hand in your lap and the other in front of your mouth; palm facing you.
2. Open your mouth and exhale into your palm as you would do to fog up a mirror. Pay attention to the sound and sensation that is made by your breath when you do this.
3. Now, inhale a breath, making the same sound/sensation.
4. Repeat this for 5-10 cycles, or until you feel like you’ve gotten the hang of it. Each time, try to inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 4 seconds.
5. Next, try to create the same sound/sensation, but with your mouth closed on the inhale and open on the exhale. Repeat for another 5-10 breath cycles, then try it for 5-10 cycles with your mouth open on the inhale and closed on the exhale.
6. When you’ve gotten the hang of that, it’s time to do the actual Ujjayi breathing by closing your mouth on both the inhale and exhale.

1. Inhale and raise your arms straight overhead with palms facing each other.
2. Exhale and bend your upper body to the right, bringing your right arm to the ground and your left arm stretched overhead, arms parallel and palms still facing each other.
3. Inhale and raise your arms and torso back up, arms overhead.
4. Exhale and lean your upper body to the left, bringing your left arm to the ground and the right arm overhead.
5. Inhale and raise your arms and torso back to the center.
6. Exhale, bringing your left hand to your right knee and your right hand on the ground to take a gentle spinal twist.
7. Inhale and return to center, raising your arms overhead once more.
8. Exhale and repeat the spinal twist on the opposite side.
9. Inhale and return to center. Clasp your hands behind your back, pinching your shoulder blades together to broaden the chest. Lengthen the spine and take a very gentle backbend in your upper back.
10. Exhale and bring your forearms to the ground in front of you, relaxing your head and neck forward.
11. Inhale and return to Easy Pose (Sukhasana).

1. Begin in Table Top Pose.
2. Inhale and raise your right arm and left leg, extending them straight. Try to raise them as high as you comfortably can without arching your back. Engage the muscles in your left foot, pushing outward through your heel.
3. Remain here for 30 seconds.
4. Exhale and release your arm and leg back to the mat.
5. Inhale and repeat with the left arm and right leg.

1. Beginning in Table Top Pose, inhale your torso straight up as you lift your sit bones up, creating a straight line from your head to your knees.
2. On the next inhale, extend your arms straight out at shoulder height in a T-shape.
3. Extend your right leg straight out to the side, planting your right foot.
4. Take a deep breath or two here, then exhale, release your arms down and bring your right leg back to the center.
5. On your next inhale, repeat on the other side.

1. Begin in Table Top Pose.
2. After ensuring that your wrists are properly stacked below your shoulders, extend your right leg, planting your right foot on the mat/floor. Keep your left knee on the floor.
3. Inhale your right arm up into the air, rolling your chest and upper body to face right.
4. Take 1-2 deep breaths here, then exhale as you bring your right hand and knee back to the mat in Table Top Pose.
5. Repeat on the opposite side.

1. Plant your palms beside your upper body with your elbows bent, pressing all ten toenails against the ground.
2. Inhale and straighten your arms, pressing down into the tops of the feet to lift your legs and pelvis away from the ground.
3. Pinch the shoulder blades toward each other to open the chest, taking a gentle skyward gaze without overdoing the curve in the back of the neck.
4. Remain here for 60 seconds, breathing deeply and feeling your chest opening.
Peak Flow

1. Begin in Standing Forward Fold Pose.
2. Keeping your right leg straight, exhale and take a slight bend in your left leg.
3. Inhale and lengthen your spine, twisting your upper body to the right. Your left hand or fingertips should be on the floor, while your left arm extends straight upward. Rotate your head to shift your gaze up toward your left hand.
4. Spend 30 seconds here, then return to the center and repeat on the opposite side.

1. Inhale your arms up, extending them either straight ahead of you or straight out to each side. Feel the energy flowing through your arms as you lengthen your side body.
2. Slowly begin to shift your weight onto your right leg, firming the inner thighs and engaging the core.
3. Inhale and lift your left leg, extending it straight and pressing through the heel. If you can, try to lift your leg so that it creates a straight line from the crown of your head to the heel of your left leg. Keep the right leg engaged, keeping it straight with a slight bend. (Warrior III)
4. On your next inhale, bring your hands to your hips and swing your left leg straight forward as you raise your upper body so that the crown of your head points to the ceiling.
5. Exhale and swing your left leg back as you return to Warrior III.
6. Repeat this movement for 2-3 breaths.

1. Beginning in Mountain Pose, inhale, and lift your right foot slightly.
2. Once you feel balanced and stable enough to do so, lift your foot higher and draw the top of your thigh toward your chest. Wrap one or both arms around your knee/shin to hug your leg closer to your chest.
3. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, then release back to Mountain Pose.

1. With your right foot forward and your left foot rotated outward a bit, pivot your body to face the left.
2. Stretch your arms straight out to the side in a T shape and shift your gaze out to your right hand.
3. Breathe here for 30 seconds.

1. Stretch your arms straight out to the side in a T shape and shift your gaze out to your right hand.
2. Turn your left palm up toward the ceiling, then as you exhale, lower your left arm and slowly slide it down the back of your left leg
3. Remain here for 1-2 breaths.

1. Start to bend the right knee, keeping the left leg straight. Flex your left foot so that your toes point to the ceiling.
2. As you bend the right knee, you can either keep the right foot flat on the floor or come onto the ball of your foot. Bend until you bring the bottom of your thigh to the back of your calf muscle.
3. Breathe here for 2-3 breaths, then release back to Five-Pointed Star Pose.
Cool Down

1. Exhale the outer side of your right leg down onto the mat. Your right knee should be aligned with your right hip and your pelvis facing squarely forward. Lay the top of your left foot on the mat/floor, and keep your front foot flexed.
2. Inhale and lengthen your spine, sitting up tall and broadening through the chest.
3. Breathe here for 2-3 breaths.

1. Bend your left knee, bringing the bottom of your foot toward your right inner thigh, and heel close to the groin.
2. Sit up tall, lengthening the spine as you inhale.
3. Exhale and hinge at the hips to fold forward over your right leg. Reach for the sides of your right foot with both hands. Keep the spine and neck straight, your gaze down.
4. Stay here, breathing deeply for 30 seconds.
5. Raise your torso back up, extend your left leg back out, and repeat this stretch on the left leg.

1. Start out lying supine on your mat.
2. Extend your arms out to each side of you like you’re making a T shape.
3. Inhale and lift your legs, bending at the knees 90 degrees and keeping them together.
4. Exhale and bring your knees to the ground on your right side. Shift your gaze to your left fingertips.
5. Stay here for 30 seconds. Close your eyes and really relax into this posture.
6. Inhale and raise your knees back up, bringing them back to the center with your hips grounded. Exhale and release your legs back to the floor
7. Repeat on your left side.