Stretching Day 49 – Habit Nest
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    Stretching Transformation Journal

    Day 49

    Dynamic Warm Up


    1. Start in a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart.

    2. Lower your body down towards the ground by bending your elbows and keeping your core engaged. Keep your body in a straight line.

    3. Push your body back up to the starting position by straightening your arms.

    4. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.

    Upper Body

    1. Side Neck Stretch w/ Upside Down Palm on Wall

    1. Stand an arm's length away from the wall and place your right hand on the wall, arm straight with your fingertips facing towards the ground.

    2. Standing straight up, bend your neck to the left trying to touch your left shoulder with your left ear.

    3. Repeat on the other side.

    2. Levator Scap Neck Stretch

    1. Stand, with your feet hip-width apart and arms down by your sides, or sit in a chair with your back straight.

    2. Put your right hand on the back of your head with your fingertips reaching the base of your skull. Fingertips should be facing down your spine.

    3. Bring your chin to your chest and turn the back of your head towards your right armpit.

    3. Seated Forward Curl

    1. Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you.

    2. Slowly lower your torso towards your legs, reaching for your toes or as far down your legs as you can comfortably go.

    4. Wall Lat Stretch

    1. Stand facing a wall with your arms extended straight in front of you at shoulder height.

    2. Place your palms flat against the wall with your fingers pointing up

    3. Slowly lean your body forward while keeping your arms straight and your palms on the wall. You should feel a stretch in your lats.

    5. Reverse Prayer

    1. Begin by standing up comfortably with your arms by your side.

    2. Reach your arms behind your back and clasp your hands together, fingers pointing downwards. If you can't clasp your hands together, you can use a towel or strap to hold onto.

    3. Slowly lift your hands upwards towards your shoulder blades, keeping your elbows close to your sides. Shoulders remain down and relaxed.

    4. Release the stretch and repeat as desired.

    6. Forearm Stetch w/ Hands on Surface

    1. Place your fingers on the edge of the surface and drop your wrists down, so that your palms are facing up and your fingers are pointing towards your body.

    2. Lean forward until you feel a comfortable stretch in your forearms and wrists.

    3. Now, turn your hands over so that your palms are facing the surface and your fingers are pointing away from your body.

    4. Drop your wrists down and lean forward until you feel the stretch in your forearms and wrists.

    Lower Body

    1. Frog Pose

    1. Start on all fours with your hands and knees on the floor, then slowly spread your knees as wide as possible.

    2. Gradually slide your hips back towards your heels and lower your body down onto your forearms. Keep your spine straight and your head up.

    3. Try to relax your groin muscles and allow your knees to move away from each other as much as you comfortably can.

    2. Warrior II Pose

    1. Stand at the top of your mat with your feet about hip-width apart. Take a big step back with your left foot, keeping your toes pointing forward.

    2. Bend your right knee, keeping it stacked over your ankle. Open your hips towards the side of the mat and extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, with your palms facing down.

    3. Hold for the designated amount of time before performing the stretch on the other side.

    3. Lateral Squat

    1. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.

    2. Take a wide step to the right with your right foot, turning your right toes out slightly.

    3. Keeping your left foot planted, lower your body down into a squat, pushing your hips back and keeping your chest lifted.

    4. Hold for the designated amount of time before performing the same stretch with the other leg.

    4. Lateral Squat w/ Toe Raise

    1. Stand straight up with your feet very widely apart (double shoulder-width).

    2. Shift your weight to your right leg, bend your right knee, and push your hips back as if you’re going to sit down. This results in a slight squat towards your right leg.

    3. Twist your left foot so that only your heel is on the ground and your toes are pointing straight up towards the ceiling.

    4. Turn your body so that you’re facing your left leg.

    5. Drop as low as possible towards your right foot while keeping your left leg straight with toes pointed to the ceiling. Find your balance in this position and place your hands on the floor as needed to stabilize.

    5. Wig Wag

    1. Lie on your back, with your knees bent on the floor and your arms to the side.

    2. Pull your right leg towards your chest and twist your body to the left, trying to touch your right knee to the floor on the left side of your body.

    3. Use your left arm to pull your leg and deepen the stretch to the extent it feels good and comfortable.

    4. Hold for the designated amount of time before performing the stretch with the other leg.

    6. Prone Quad Stretch

    1. Start by lying face down on a mat or comfortable surface. You can use a towel or blanket under your hips for added comfort.

    2. Bend one knee and bring your heel towards your glutes. Reach back with the same-side arm and grab onto the ankle or foot.

    3. Slowly and gently pull your heel towards your glutes until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh. Make sure to keep your hips and pelvis firmly on the ground.

    4. Hold for the designated amount of time before performing the stretch with the other leg.
