Weightlifting Transformation Journal - Module: Nutrition – Habit Nest
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    Weightlifting Transformation Journal - Module: Weightlifting Best Practices

    Weightlifting Best Practices


    Choosing the Right Weight for Your Workouts


    Not sure what weight to get started with for your fitness journey? This guide will help you know where to start and how to gauge when it’s time to increase.

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    What’s the Deal with Cardio?


    You’ve heard that cardio is good for you, but not sure what it should look like with your new fitness routine. Use this to answer your questions of what a recommended cardio routine looks like including how long, how often, and what type of cardio. .

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    Strategic Stretching


    Often, stretching is either done improperly or ignored, leading to imbalances and mobility. This is an intro guide to the impact of stretching and key principles. .

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    Finding the Right Gym


    A guide for important considerations in your search to find a gym that will best fit your needs. .

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    Beginner’s Guide to Using Workout Machines


    A guide for beginners to confidently use workout machines at the gym. .

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    General Gym Etiquette


    If you are new to the gym environment, this is a guide to help you navigate the gym environment with confidence and respect. .

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    Posture for Optimal Fitness


    Good posture is vital for both effective exercise and overall health. This guide highlights its importance, provides posture-improvement tips, and explores posture anatomy. .

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    Maintaining Joint Health in Your Fitness Routine


    Understand the function of your joints, identify signs of overuse, and get tips for exercises and adaptations. .

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    A Guide to Spotting in the Gym


    A beginner’s guide to spotting - what it is, when to use a spotter, and general tips. .

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