Yoga Transformation Journal
Day 06: Set Your Intention
Warm Up

1. Inhale and raise your arms overhead, interlocking your fingers with palms facing skyward.
2. Exhale and gently twist your upper body to the right side.
3. Inhale and return to the center, then exhale and twist to the left.
4. Repeat this movement for 30-60 seconds.

1. Begin in Thunderbolt Pose.
2. With your spine tall and straight, inhale and sweep your arms forward. Exhale and swing them back behind you.
3. Repeat this movement for 30-60 seconds, flowing with your breath.

1. Slowly uncross your legs and rock forward onto your hands and knees.
2. Inhale and arch your back downward, pushing your tailbone up and outward. Tilt your head back slightly, keeping your shoulders engaged and opening the chest. (Cow)
3. On your exhale, tuck your chin and tailbone inward, pull your shoulder blades apart, and round your spine like a cat that’s stretching or startled. (Cat)
4. Repeat this movement for 30-60 seconds.

1. Start out lying flat on your belly. Tuck your tailbone forward and down, lengthening and broadening the lower back. Press the tops of your feet firmly into the mat.
2. Inhale and come up onto your forearms, keeping them parallel to each other and lifting your upper torso away from the ground.
3. Breathe deeply here for 30-60 seconds.

1. Raise your right leg, bringing the knee up to your chest and keeping your right foot flexed. You can keep your left leg straight, or bring it inward as if you’re going to sit cross-legged.
2. Bring your right knee to rest in the crook of your right elbow, rotate the shin to run parallel to your chest, and rest the bottom of your foot in the crook of your left elbow.
3. Remain here for 30-45 seconds, release your right leg back to the mat, then repeat with the left leg.

1. Slowly uncross your legs and rock forward onto your hands and knees.
2. Inhale and arch your back downward, pushing your tailbone up and outward. Tilt your head back slightly, keeping your shoulders engaged and opening the chest. (Cow)
3. On your exhale, tuck your chin and tailbone inward, pull your shoulder blades apart, and round your spine like a cat that’s stretching or startled. (Cat)
4. Repeat this movement for 30-60 seconds.
Peak Flow

1. Start in a seated position with your legs straight in front of you.
2. Place your hands on the floor behind you and lean your torso back, shifting your upper body weight to your palms.
3. Bring your right ankle to your left thigh, just above the left knee.
4. Take a deep breath, then exhale as you bend your left knee and walk your left foot closer to your torso. Move it around until you find a satisfying stretch.
5. Your muscles might resist at first, but hold the pose and stay still for 30 seconds.
6. Repeat on the other side.

1. With your hands planted on the mat behind you, your torso leaning back, and your feet firmly planted, push the ground away with your feet as you lift your pelvis. Create a straight horizontal line from the crown of your head to your knees.
2. Breathe here for 30 seconds.

1. Beginning in Reverse Table Top Pose, lift your right leg straight up in the air. Flex your foot, pushing your heel skyward and pointing your toes down toward you.
2. Breathe here for 30 seconds, then on an exhale, float your right leg foot back down to the floor.
3. Repeat on the other side.

1. Inhale and tuck the toes as your slowly walk your hands forward.
2. Exhale and move your sit bones back halfway toward your heels. Bring your forehead to the floor, relaxing your neck. Push your tailbone slightly outward, creating a gentle curve in the lower back.
3. Breathe deeply here, directing the air toward your lower back for 30-60 seconds.

1. Tuck your toes, then inhale and lift onto them, taking the tailbone back and up until your arms and legs are fully extended, creating an upside-down V shape with your body.
2. Remain here for 1-2 breaths.

1. From Garland Pose, release your hands and arms. Inhale and raise your arms straight up to shoulder level in a T-shape, palms facing outward.
2. On your next inhale, twist your upper body toward the left, creating a diagonal line with your arms; your right arm should be in front of your right knee. Shift your gaze toward your left fingers.
3. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, release, then repeat on the other side.
Cool Down

1. With your legs wide apart and the bottoms of your feet together, grab onto your ankles and pull them apart slightly. Feel the sides of your feet activated and push down on the mat.
2. Inhale and lengthen your spine forward over your legs, being sure to hinge at the hips. As you exhale allow your upper back to relax toward the floor. Stay grounded through your sit bones.
3. Close your eyes and breathe deeply here for 60 seconds.

1. Start out lying supine on your mat with your legs together and your hands placed palm-down next to your thighs/hips.
2. Inhale and lift both legs straight up so that they make a 90-degree angle with your upper body.
3. Breathe here for 30-60 seconds, making sure your shoulder blades and pelvis remain square and grounded.
4. When you release, do so very slowly without lifting your head.

1. Bend your legs at the knee, bringing the soles of your feet together.
2. Allow gravity to slowly pull your knees away from each other, lowering them toward the ground. Deepen the stretch to whatever capacity feels most comfortable to you by adjusting how close your heels are to your groin.
3. Remain here for 30-60 seconds.