Yoga Day 9 – Habit Nest
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    Yoga Transformation Journal

    Day 09: Set Your Intention

    Warm Up

    1. Easy Pose Side Bends

    1. Begin in Easy Pose.

    2. Inhale, raise your right arm above your head, and bring your left hand to your right knee.

    3. Exhale and lean your upper body to the left, bringing your right arm up and over.

    4. Breathe deeply here for 30 seconds, then inhale back to center and repeat on the opposite side.

    2. Bound Butterfly Wings Flow

    1. Inhale and flap your knees upward as you raise your clasped hands overhead. As you exhale, lower both back down.

    2. Repeat this movement for another 30-60 seconds.

    3. Seated Star Pose

    1. With your legs wide apart and the bottoms of your feet together, grab onto your ankles and pull them apart slightly. Feel the sides of your feet activated and push down on the mat.

    2. Inhale and lengthen your spine forward over your legs, being sure to hinge at the hips. As you exhale allow your upper back to relax toward the floor. Stay grounded through your sit bones.

    3. Close your eyes and breathe deeply here for 60 seconds.

    4. Cat Cow Rib Circles

    1. Begin in Table Top Pose. Exhale and round your back into Cat Pose, then move your rib cage in a circular motion to the side, down into Cow Pose, and finally back up and around to Cat Pose.

    2. Continue flowing your breath with your movements; inhale as you move down into Cow, then exhale as your ribcage swings back up to Cat Pose.

    3. Take it slow and complete 4-5 rounds in a clockwise motion, then reverse it.

    5. Balancing Table Top Knee to Nose Flow

    1. Beginning on your hands and knees, inhale your right leg up and extend it straight behind you.

    2. Exhale, tuck your chin, bend your right knee, and bring the right knee forward toward your nose.

    3. Inhale and release, returning to Table Top Pose.

    4. Exhale, then inhale and repeat 4-5 more times on the right.

    5. Repeat on the left side with the same amount of reps.

    6. Supine Knee Circles

    1. On your next inhale, lift your feet, and bend your knees. Lift your knees straight up, placing your palms on top of them.

    2. Bring both knees together and use them to draw circles in the air for 30 seconds clockwise, then counterclockwise.

    Peak Flow

    7. Low Lunge Pose

    1. Bring your right knee forward and your left knee on the ground, just far enough back to create a stretch in the front of your left thigh.

    2. Inhale and sweep your arms overhead, leaning back ever so slightly for a gentle backbend.

    3. Breathe here for 30 seconds.

    8. Warrior II Pose

    1. With your right foot forward and your left foot rotated outward a bit, pivot your body to face the left.

    2. Stretch your arms straight out to the side in a T shape and shift your gaze out to your right hand.

    3. Breathe here for 30 seconds.

    9. Vinyasa I

    1. Begin in Mountain Pose. Exhale into a forward fold, bringing your hands to the mat and stepping your legs back to come into Plank Pose.

    2. Take another breath, then exhale, lifting your pelvis and lowering your body to the ground (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)

    3. With your body on the ground, inhale and untuck your toes, lifting your torso off the ground (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)

    4. Exhale and tuck your toes as your push the floor away with your hands, lift your sit bones high into the air, and plant your heels (Downward Facing Dog Pose)

    10. Mountain Pose Namaste

    1. Stand with your feet parallel a few inches apart (or, if you need to widen your stance for better support and stability, hip-width apart).

    2. Lifting one foot at a time, spread the toes and ball of the foot, then return them strong and flat to the floor with your weight evenly distributed.

    3. Lift your sternum up, creating a strong, open upper chest without drawing the lower ribs forward.

    4. Draw your shoulder blades slightly inward toward each other, and down away from your neck and ears. Stack and center the crown of your head over your pelvis with your bottom jaw parallel to the floor.

    5. Bring your palms together in front of your chest and breathe here for 30 seconds before moving on to the Peak Flow.

    11. Plank Pose

    1. Inhale your body forward, stacking your wrists under your shoulders and extending your legs straight behind you to come into Plank Pose.

    2. Remain here for 30 seconds.

    12. Locust Pose

    1. Begin lying prone (on your belly) on the floor with your arms extending behind you, palms on the ground.

    2. Place the tops of your toes flat against the floor, pressing down with all 10 toenails.

    3. Press lightly on the floor with your hands, activate your core, and lift your thighs, lower legs, and torso away from the ground. Knit your shoulder blades together and the chest broad.

    4. Breathe here for 30-60 seconds, then slowly release back down to the floor.

    Cool Down

    13. Full Body Stretch Pose

    1. Begin by lying supine on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Engage your feet, pushing your heels away from you. Lengthen the back of the neck.

    2. Inhale and sweep your arms overhead, keeping them flat on the floor with palms facing upward. Extend them fully, feeling an energizing stretch all the way from your fingertips to your heels. Take another deep breath here as you start to engage your core.

    3. Remain here and breathe deeply for 60 seconds.

    14. Upward Facing Seated Straddle Pose

    1. Starting from Staff Pose, lean back slightly, supporting yourself by planting your hands on the ground slightly behind you on each side.

    2. Inhale and push your thigh bones into the ground and open your legs roughly 90 degrees (or whatever amount feels the most beneficial for you).

    3. Exhale and engage your feet, toes pointing straight up.

    4. Inhale and shift your weight slightly back onto your hands, broaden the chest, and tilt your head back to gaze at the ceiling - or however far you can without straining the neck.

    5. Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply.

    15. Seated Straddle Forward Fold Pose

    1. From Seated Straddle Pose, make sure your sit bones are grounded and your spine stays long.

    2. Take a deep inhale, then exhale as you bring your forearms to the ground in front of you and hinge forward to rest your forehead on them.

    3. Breathe here for 30-60 seconds, then raise back up to Seated Straddle Pose.
